Tagged Under: copywriting agency

Sheetal Pinto - 6/13/2019 06:00

5 Ways to Make Your Content Share-Worthy

In 1994, the first blog was published on the internet. It was created by Justin Hall, an American college student, and it wasn’t called a blog – just a personal homepage.1 25 years later, there are thousands of active blogs on the internet. Amidst this saturation of work, it can be daunting to ensure your content hold its ground.

Sheetal Pinto - 6/6/2019 06:00

Making Content Marketers Better Managers

When a sports team wins a big championship, the success is credited to two major factors: the players and the coach. One could argue that a team is only as good as the direction they’re given. That’s why, it’s no surprise that the best coaches in NBA, NHL and the MLB are loved by their teams. Whether they’re coaches, mentors or simply managers, regardless of your field of expertise, the person responsible for giving direction and instruction has a pivotal job on their hands.

Sheetal Pinto - 8/23/2017 20:00

Break the Monotony with Tips and Tricks from the Top SEO Writers in Canada
If you run a blog or website long enough, you will inevitably run into the boredom that plagues all writers and content creators. When this happens, make note that this is not a cause for alarm. You can overcome these phases by applying proven industry techniques.

Sheetal Pinto - 8/2/2017 20:00

Have You Tried these SEO Content Writing Techniques?
While research and strong writing skills are integral to a content writing job, it helps to keep in mind that the ultimate goal of content marketing is to get more conversions for your business. Quality website content is about relevance and substance, but it also involves adopting key editorial strategies that help you stand out and lead to brisk conversions. If your content marketing efforts are failing to get you results, you could be making some simple yet critical errors. Read on to learn how you can easily fix these problems and amend your content strategy.

Sheetal Pinto - 7/12/2017 20:00

A User Story is a Key Aspect of Content Strategy
Ask content marketers about their biggest challenge. Most will agree: creating content that accurately identifies the needs of their target audience is the most difficult part of their job. Using mere guesswork in the ideation process without strategic thinking and research often leads to content that does not resonate with the reader, and ultimately fails to get conversions. One powerful and highly beneficial tool that helps to eliminate assumptions that marketers make on behalf of their target audience is the user story.

Sheetal Pinto - 6/21/2017 20:00

Drive the Value of Your Content UP, not DOWN
The SEO copywriters here at MintCopy have exciting jobs. On any given day, our copywriting agency has a diversity of content marketing projects for all types of clients in a range of industries. The SEO content we produce includes everything from posts for CEO and CMO blogs to DIY home maintenance tips to expert advice on avoiding cyber security risks to why your printed circuit board may experience failure, and much more. Needless to say, we learn something new every day and also get to sound like so many different individuals and organizations. SEO copywriting allows us the opportunity to be ghost writers with knowledge and insights into an endless variety of subjects, but always with a distinct voice.

Sheetal Pinto - 6/7/2017 20:00

Useful Insights for Your Business
2016 proved that the evolution and growth of content marketing is unstoppable. The widespread use of ad blockers is an indication that users do not appreciate disruptive and annoying ads, and want the freedom to make up their own minds. In this context, content marketing has assumed greater importance because it remains the only real means through which brands can endear themselves to their target audience.

Sheetal Pinto - 5/31/2017 20:00

SEO Link Building is the Key to Getting Your Content Noticed
Many people make the mistake of assuming that SEO and content marketing are two different entities, and that is a substitute for the other. Nothing could be further from the truth. SEO needs great content to back it up; in fact, SEO wouldn’t work at all without content. Similarly, content marketing without SEO is akin to putting up a stellar stage performance for an empty auditorium. Quality content alone is never enough to help a site rank high on the SERPs; it needs skillful optimization and promotion using the latest SEO techniques. If users don’t find you for relevant keywords on Google, how can you expect them to visit your site and engage with all the great content you have created for them?

Sheetal Pinto - 5/26/2017 20:00

There’s a Reason Why 60% of B2B Marketers Say their Blog is their MOST Valuable Online Channel
Download this free eBook and discover:

Sheetal Pinto - 5/17/2017 20:00

Valuable Insights to Drive Your Content Strategy
As human beings, we always endeavour to find easier and more efficient ways to do something. Even as the field of content marketing continues to expand, it brings to light many aspects of the industry that are ripe for change. It is no surprise that the content marketing field is seeing transformative developments in the last one or two years.

To keep up with the ever-evolving and crowded landscape of content marketing, several new companies are creating Artificial Intelligence-powered applications and technologies to help content marketing teams produce and distribute hyper-targeted, streamlined content that can dramatically improve results. Rather than the threat of “Robots taking over the world”, AI is being looked upon favourably in the content marketing arena, and the reason is clear. While marketers have only a finite capacity to parse through data generated from numerous formats and channels in order to build a strategy, AI has infinite ability to comb through pages and pages of content in quick time, and come up with precise insights and predictions.

Recent Posts

Sheetal Pinto - 5/14/2024 17:31

MintCopy’s Content Writers Are Ready to Power Up Your Game!

Hey there, wonderful readers!

It feels surreal to be back at my keyboard, tapping away after what seems like a lifetime. If you're wondering why I've been MIA, let me catch you up to speed. Towards the tail end of 2023, I found myself in a bit of a pickle, or rather, a crumpled mess of metal and broken dreams on the side of the road. Yep, yours truly was in a gnarly car accident that left me with more than just a dent in my bumper. I was in shock from an explosion that sounded like a small bomb going off, and 2000+ pounds of force hitting me like a bolt out of the blue.

Sheetal Pinto - 11/23/2023 06:00

Why Quality Content Still Is, and Will Always Be Important

Ever pondered the intricacies of Google's search process? In the blink of an eye, the algorithm serves you tailored answers to your queries. It's a seamless dance of technology and user intent. Google's mission is crystal clear: deliver precisely what users seek. At the heart of their business model lies the commitment to provide top-notch search results. As your copywriters craft content, steer away from rigid algorithmic formulas that are in a perpetual state of flux. Instead, dive deep into understanding user intent and champion the creation of content that resonates with quality, setting your brand apart in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Sheetal Pinto - 11/2/2023 00:03

Let Your Local Retail Business Outshine Big Box Stores!

It’s a common misconception—bigger is better. As a local retailer, you know that isn’t true. With your personalized attention, carefully sourced, unique products, and a charmingly different brand experience, you can serve holiday shoppers far better than many big box stores. To do that, however, you have to start with drawing attention away from those mega retailers to your local business. Here's a 10-point checklist that will have you competing with those brand name stores and leaving a trail of tinsel envy.

Sheetal Pinto - 10/19/2023 14:03

Connecting with Your Audience

In today's fast-paced digital age, businesses often rely on automation and AI-generated content to reach their audience. While these tools have their merits, nothing can truly replace the authenticity and impact of content that speaks from the heart. The ability to forge genuine connections and elicit emotions from your audience is where the magic happens. Let me illustrate this with a recent experience.

Sheetal Pinto - 10/5/2023 06:00

10 Insightful Tips to Refine Your Content Strategy

Picture this: you're strolling down the street, leash in hand, with your furry friend by your side. As you navigate the sidewalks, you might be able to rediscover the art of content marketing – one step at a time. Yes, you read that right! There are uncanny similarities between dog walking and effective content marketing. Intrigued? Let's take a leash and dive into some pawsitively awesome tips, tricks, and techniques you can apply to your content strategy. As your friendly pooch does her ‘moonwalk’ and you prepare to ‘stoop and scoop’, you can soon declare, “We have liftoff!” Engage your audiences and achieve greater lead conversion with content marketing that works. Happy to share our top 10 tips—keep reading!

Sheetal Pinto - 9/21/2023 06:00

Include Your POV to Encourage Conversion

Imagine how differently we'd see Star Wars if it was told through the eyes of a stormtrooper trying to get his next promotion or through Chewbacca's point of view. The reader of a story interprets the tale through the perspective of the narrator. Choosing an engaging and valuable point of view (POV) is essential to the narrative. You may not think of your content as a novel or a movie, but you're still telling a story through your blogs, email newsletters, videos, and other forms of digital content. Offering a unique POV with your online content can help make your brand stand out.

Sheetal Pinto - 9/7/2023 06:00

SEO Strategy Tips from Presenters at CMW 2023

According to a LinkedIn report, professionals can expect their jobs to change by 65% by 2030 due to the implementation of Artificial Intelligence. AI tools are making their way into every industry, including SEO and content marketing. Don't fire your copywriters just yet though – you need them now more than ever before! Content Marketing World asked its presenters and experts to provide their best tips for 2023 to incorporate AI into your content strategy. Here's an overview.

Sheetal Pinto - 8/24/2023 06:00

Here's An Idea on How to Handle this Latest Change

Remember the football gag from the Peanuts cartoon? Charlie Brown goes to kick a football and Lucy pulls it out at the last minute, causing him to fall on the ground. There's a number of punchlines, but the bottom line was that he shouldn't have trusted Lucy. SEO is kind of like that. Just when you think you're winning the SEO game, Google changes the algorithm. You're knocked back down in the search rankings, wondering what happened. Recently, Google made an update that changes how some content is viewed in the rankings. Learn more about the latest update to the search engine algorithm that changes the way HowTo content is displayed in search results, to understand why it matters.

Sheetal Pinto - 8/10/2023 06:00

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,…” The opening paragraph of “A Tale of Two Cities” is considered one of literature’s greatest openers. Back in 1859, in times when reading books was possibly one of the few indoor entertainment activities people engaged in, Charles Dickens had the skill to hook the reader right at the start. Of course, he also had the skill to finish with a flourish — “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.” That closing line is among those most praised in literature.

Getting back to the point—you can transform every introduction into an irresistible hook that commands your audience's attention. Here are some ideas for creating an opening that will resonate with your audience and stay with them. 

Sheetal Pinto - 7/27/2023 06:00

Your Audience Cares about Smart Content (and so does Google!)
The length of content has been hotly debated for years. Ask the experts and you’ll get opinions that favor either side. It's like an ongoing arm-wrestling match between two equally fierce contenders. In the blue corner, we have the heavyweight champion of information, the Long-Form Content. With its vast word count and lengthy videos, it's like an all-you-can-eat buffet of knowledge. In the red corner, we have the nimble and attention-grabbing Short-Form Content. Like a swift and satisfying snack, it quickly captivates your audience. Think hors d'œuvres (or amuse-bouche if you want a ‘fancier’ analogy!).

Long-form content has benefits of keeping your reader engaged. Short-form content can grab the reader’s attention without a big commitment. Which one suits your needs? Let’s dig deeper to answer that question.